What Language to Expect in Birth, Marriage, and Death Records

The language used in birth, marriage, and death records (as well as books of residents) in towns in the Częstochowa-Radomsko area varies by year:

Years Language used
1808–1867 Polish
1868–1914 Russian, using the Cyrillic alphabet
  • Because Cyrillic has no letter h (e.g., in Hofman), g or ch was used instead (e.g., Gofman or Chofman).
  • Because Cyrillic has no letter ę (e.g., Lęga), en was used instead (e.g., Lęga).
  • Because Cyrillic has no letter ą (e.g., Ząbek), am was used instead (e.g., Zambek).
1915–1940s Polish

Thinking of joining CRARG? Feel free to write to me (danielkazez@crarg.org) to ask if we have records for your family! —Daniel Kazez, CRARG President (a volunteer/unpaid position)

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