Żarki (Poland) Synagogue and Jewish Cemetery

CRARG member Yehuda Schmidt shares photographs from a trip to Żarki, Poland, in July 2010:

My father, Asher (originally Usher) Schmidt, and the Mayor of Żarki, Klemens Podlejski:


The Żarki Jewish Cemetery:


The Żarki Jewish Cemetery (my children are searching for Schmidt tombstones):


The broken tombstone of my father’s uncle (Zvi Hershel Schmidt), at the Żarki Jewish Cemetery:


The main synagogue, undergoing renovation as a community center:


The main synagogue (the elevated floor where the Bima and Ark used to be):


Thinking of joining CRARG? Feel free to write to me (danielkazez@crarg.org) to ask if we have records for your family! —Daniel Kazez, CRARG President (a volunteer/unpaid position)

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